Tuesday, 30 December 2014

didier grossemy - tips of Stopping cyber bullying

Didier grossemy is an expert fighting cyber bullying on the internet from many years.
According to didier grossemy, Bullying has been getting a lot of press lately. In a recent International study by didier grossemy, 54 million Americans say they have been attacked by bullies at
work. That is an astounding number.
Describing this, didier grossemy tells that The definition of bullying is activity that is unfair, humiliating, malicious, vindictive and intended to harm the victim. It is persistent, prolonged
and it happens over a period of time.
Didier grossemy has extensively worked in the area of fighting with cyber bullying and the details about various cases handled by didier grossemy related to cyber bullying are available on the internet from many sources.
-didier grossemy youtube
-didier grossemy angel list
-didier grossemy twitter

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

didier grossemy youtube

didier grossemy youtube channel is a spot where didier grossemy posts The most recent news, plans & tips for Youtube, including Youtube publicizing, propelling, SEO and the sky is the purpose of constrainment starting there…

on this didier grossemy youtube channel, didier grossemy  offers best practices for boosting Youtube.

whether that surmises getting engagement, perspectives, gives, changes, or streamlining idiosyncrasies on Youtube for pursue, didier grossemy  teachs every one of you he  know from his years of commitment in the field.

so on the off chance that you haven't passed by the didier grossemy youtube channel yet, thoughtful do it quickly as didier grossemy will  stay up with the latest on all the most vanguard Youtube outlines, attributes, frameworks and best practices for Youtube contrivances and Youtube channels.

for more information, please visit didier grossemy official blog

Friday, 5 December 2014

Didier Grossemy on angellist

Didier Grossemy on angellist about Protecting internet users & businesses from online fraud.
Didier Grossemy is an ambitious person that for the last few years give web arrangements around the world.

To Read more about Didier Grossemy, go to http://grossemysite.com/didier-grossemy-angellist/

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

didier grossemy- hashtag as a terrific marketing tool

As many know, the use of the pound sign (#) is at the crux of the hashtag. Putting symbols in front of words for taxonomy purposes isn’t a new concept.
According to didier grossemy, The @ sign has been at the center of email universe for decades now. Not surprising, it’s also used to address someone on Twitter.

However, didier grossemy believes that the Twitter hashtag is more than a simple way to categorize content, identify themes or track real-time conversations.
According to didier grossemy, They’re increasingly being
used by companies to drive positive online conversation  and build brand recognition and loyalty.
Didier grossemy tells some tips using which one can use the power of hashtag in his/her favor while marketing the business online.
so please checkout these tips by didier grossemy:

1. don't over do it:
Didier grossemy has an opinion that Although not terribly complicated, hashtags have some
unwritten rules. The primary one to remember: don’t overuse them. Explaining this, didier grossemy tells that If every one of your tweets IS a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness of them by fragmenting
the conversation. In addition, many people will shy away from you because it seems spammy.

2.  Make sure it adds value
Finally, if you’re looking to create a hashtag, be sure that it adds value
for yourself and your followers. According to didier grossemy, The best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information. Conferences, major events, and even reminders (i.e.
#todo) can help organize specific tweets and make life easier on you and your followers.

3.Give it a context
Another simple tip: give your hashtag context. didier grossemy found this from his personal experiences in the areas of online marketing that Most people won’t actually know what your hashtag means, so give a quick explanation in one of your tweets
or, if you’re making a hashtag, make it very apparent what it’s talking about.

While hashtags can drive massive attention for a branded campaign, some companies are going even farther by using them organically to convey value proposition.
providing some of the examples, didier grossemy tells that Red Bull’s tagline, “It Gives You Wings,” has been parlayed into the
#givesyouwings hashtag
 and is quite popular with consumers when discussing the brand on Twitter and referencing other activities synonymous with the tagline.

The Oscars brought on a new hashtag phenomenon that will make you want to smack your forehead.  Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie arrived at the Awards’
red carpet ceremony in a strapless black Versace dress with a split revealing her leg. Being one of the most well-known celebrity runway events of the
year, Jolie’s red carpet entrance became a much talked-about topic during and after the awards ceremony.  The next day, Twitter went abuzz with people
taking photographs of themselves in similar poses, which were uploaded under the hashtags #angellegging and #Joliening.  Twitter feed dubbed “Angie’s Right
Leg” accrued more than 12,000 followers within hours.

didier grossemy found after his experience of working with Marketers that those in the industry of online marketing need to think about how hashtags can be integrated into broader media campaigns without losing control of the narrative. This is especially important
since hashtags are now moving beyond Twitter and into other media channels. We’ve only witnessed a glimpse of their true potential.

Do you really want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.
Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle:

Thursday, 16 October 2014

by didier grossemy: Infographics an important part of your marketing arsenal.

If you are following the businesses and their social networking presence over the web, you know that if there is one thing  that's getting  a lot of buzz  is infographics.
according to world famous internet  marketing expert didier grossemy, more and more infographics are starting to pop up all over the web, illustrating anything from the latest sports statistics to the growth in social media.
All of these infographics have at least this one thing in common: they all represent text-based content or data in a visual
form, whether it’s a chart, graph, or diagram. So what’s behind their continuing increase in popularity?

according to didier grossemy, With about 65% of our population being visual learners, infographics are a valuable resource for those who prefer to learn from visuals rather than text.
Often, something that’s complicated in textual form can be represented as a simple infographic, making information and ideas easier to scan and digest.
didier grossemy found  from his years of understanding in the field of internet marketing that As we move into an age that places a greater emphasis on data-driven visuals, companies are starting to realize the potential of infographics and graphic
design. For example, The New York Times now has about 40 graphic “journalists” on their staff, demonstrating the growing importance of visual content.

didier grossemy provides this extremely useful insight about how can you make infographics an important part of your marketing arsenal.
 Try using the following  tips by didier grossemy to start designing an effective
infographic that can help you meet your marketing goals:

with the social sites getting popular, didier grossemy advises that Make sure your infographics can be easily shared. It should be easy for people to re-tweet them, share them on Facebook and Google+, re-post them to their blogs or LinkedIn, or pin them on Pinterest. There are even
several boards already devoted to infographics on Pinterest! Share ability is one of the most important qualities of infographics, and one of the most useful for marketers striving to
maximize social impact.

2. Content.
according to didier grossemy, Infographics aren’t just for data. There are tons of opportunities to represent content in visual form. Try creating infographics for complex
models or processes, hard-to-understand concepts, product comparisons, cheat sheets, and even cartoons. Just keep in mind that your content shouldn’t be
too text heavy, or it will become difficult to read.

3. Design.
didier grossemy found while he has been marketing the businesses on the internet over the years that It’s easy to get carried away with content and data once you get started. didier grossemy advises that you must Make sure your infographic isn’t cluttered with too much information
and that it has an intuitive flow. You don’t want your audience excessively scrolling, zooming, or tilting their heads to read your graphic. That can get
annoying fast.

didier grossemy explains that Since infographics often deal with statistics, make sure you get your data from a reliable source. Infographics have a higher potential of
being shared than textual content, so you’ll want to make sure the information you put out there is accurate.

5. Audience.
didier grossemy believes that  Designing an infographic begins the same way that you would begin any other marketing task: with your audience. Who are you targeting with
your graphic? Do you want it to be informational or editorial? Do you want it to go viral? These are
important questions to ask yourself
 before you even put pen to paper to start brainstorming.

6. Optimize.
didier grossemy suggests fellow internet marketers after his personal successful experimentation's that they should Consider creating an HTML page out of their  infographic. That way, they  can use it as a
landing page
 for inbound traffic, include social sharing buttons, and optimize it for search engine crawlers.

7. Measure.
didier grossemy is in an opinion that One of the great things about infographics is that they are trackable. Keep an eye on the number of re-tweets, repins, shares and blog mentions
your infographic receives on other social, news or industry sites. You can also monitor feedback through comments, depending on where the infographic is
posted. As with all marketing tactics, tracking and measuring the success of your infographic will help you to determine what works and what doesn’t.

Didier grossemy found from his personal experimentation's, trials and a lot of the businesses that he has personally promoted over the internet that Infographics have a lot of potential, especially in the B2B space where they are just now starting to gain leverage as marketing tools.

Do you want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.

Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle:

Valuable Tips for classified marketing by didier grossemy

Marketing your business on a budget is never easy. If your business is struggling with advertising or marketing cashflow, a great way to increase exposure  of your business services or products is by using classified advertising websites.
According to world's famous internet marketing expert didier grossemy, classified websites have tremendous potential of generating jaw-dropping leads and sales for your business if done correctly.
Didier grossemy tells that there are Many classified websites  that  offer free to advertise categories for sellers and paid for categories for traders. didier grossemy believes that often, these classified advertisements on such websites  are significantly cheaper than other advertising methods.
these classified websites includes olx, craigslist, gumtree, quickr and many others.

Most of these websites allow you to use unlimited text, lots of photos, graphics and logos and add as many links as you wish directing traffic to your
website and social media pages.

So how can your business make the most out of classified advertising?
Here are a few secrets that didier grossemy   has discovered  after his years of experience which helps to get you noticed online and  receive massive leads as well as sales conversions.
Include social media and official website

1.originality helps
didier grossemy suggests to Use quality original content within your advert.
according to didier grossemy, while its important to Make sure you include all the relevant key words and search terms that relate closely to your business
service or product, you should be careful  to  do not over stuff your advert with keywords and duplicate data.

2. didier grossemy tells that its needless to mention about the fact that an off-page campaign has high significance of backlinks. didier grossemy therefore advises to not forget providing the links of official website (both homepage as well as inner pages) and the links to your social media accounts such as facebook, twitter and google plus.

3.  Title is important
according to didier grossemy, its absolutely vital to Keep the title of your advert short, snappy, original and relevant.
didier grossemy believes after his personal experiences of working with classified websites that   The title is your chance to capture the audience from what may be just a quick glance.
considering this, didier grossemy advises that you must Take advantage of this and make it as eye catching as you can.

following these simple tips, you can insure to be receiving a number of successful sales that you could not have got without using classified websites.
Do you really want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.
Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle:

Monday, 6 October 2014

Capable tips for twitter advancement by didier grossemy

didier grossemy, who is one of the world's most celebrated web advertising master tells in this article some powerful tips for twitter advancement, after which you can make your business achievement happen presently.

to begin with, didier grossemy ask this intriguing question that

Seventy-three percent of Fortune 500 organizations have Twitter accounts. Brands with the biggest supporters incorporate Google, Starbucks, Southwest Airlines,

Walt Disney, Verizon Communications, Coca-Cola, American Express and Nike. Do they have to work to expand their Twitter after? Obviously they do.

Overall different brands would be on top. As a little business, on the other hand, one needs to strategize and make savvy moves to assemble your brand.

as per didier grossemy, the individuals who are asking why you ought to try having a page on Twitter, then consider the way that these brands are on Twitter despite the fact that they are prominent all through the world.

didier grossemy tells that It is worth the exertion of building your brand on Twitter, regardless of how well known or new your brand is.

Presently that you are all situated to begin your Twitter advancements, here are some powerfull tips by didier grossemy to help you accomplish greatest brand presentation on Twitter and acquire clients.

1. Keep an eye on your rivals' Twitter procedure.

didier grossemy tells that If your rivals are great at building their social networking gathering of people, gain from their Twitter pages.

Fortunately you don't need to tail them to see their tweets, simply take a gander at the Twitter pages that your rivals take after and the pages that tail them.

Experience these Twitter pages to check whether there is anything you could do another way from them to charm your audience.   Come up with thoughts to set your brand

separated from your rival on Twitter.

2. Pick a proper time

didier grossemy is in an assessment that Tweeting an extremely captivating  redesign at an awful time implies that your endeavors are purposeless, as the greater part of your gathering of people will miss it.

what time works best for your tweets obviously relies on upon the topography and demography that you're coddling.

In the event that you are so occupied it would be impossible tweet physically on right times, there are a few apparatuses that you can utilize  for keeping up your twitter records and permit to calendar the posts on the time you would like this to be posted.

3. Upgrade your Twitter Page's Appearance

as indicated by didier grossemy, Your brand is an impression of your business morals and your brand page appearance on Twitter helps this from numerous points of view.

didier grossemy accepts that a decent appearance on twitter is exceptionally essential or you may lose your customer's trust.

here are some snappy pointers that didier grossemy tells for improving the twitter appearance:

- Use a fantastic picture of your logo as your profile picture. Didier grossemy particularly advises that there is no issue to  utilize your face as your profile picture to provide for it a human touch. For

occurrence, in the event that you have given open appearances in meetings and classes or show up in nearby TV advertisements, it is best to utilize your own particular picture as an agent

of your brand. In the event that you do utilize your portrait verify it is a headshot so your face is seen effortlessly in the profile picture thumbnail.

- If your logo contains words, verify they are comprehensible in your thumbnail profile picture.

- Grab the consideration of your supporters with a staggering header picture, a recently presented Twitter characteristic. The perfect measurements of the header picture ought to

be 1252px x 626px for ideal survey on all gadgets.

Modified Twitter Profile

- Personalize your Twitter foundation plan with the color and topic of your brand. You can utilize hand crafts accessible on  Twitter  or on outer sources, for example,  Twitbacks.

4. Compose a Compelling Twitter Bio:

didier grossemy tells from his individual knowledge of working with different brands and internet advertising assignments that If you need to addition adherents on Twitter to develop your brand further, you have to persuade individuals to tail you focused around the substance in your Twitter

bio. The space is limited to only 140 characters, so Twitter permits you to post a web interface in your bio. You can present a connection on your site, your online journal

page, a creator bio page, or a custom Twitter point of arrival.

here are a few pointers by didier grossemy for a successful bio in your twitter profile:

- Twitter bios show up in indexed lists on google. Verify you embed the right watchwords in a discernable structure.

- The watchwords that you're picking  must be famous inquiry terms and not specialized language.

- Make your bio a short clarification of what your organization does, in basic and straightforward words.

- Do not make it a deals pitch.

- Avoid spelling and language structure botches.

5. Know Your Followers:

from his years of involvement in the business, didier grossemy has discovered that Unless you know who your intended interest group is on Twitter, you can't manufacture a fruitful Twitter advancement system. didier grossemy records  a few devices as an abundance of prompt, utilizing which you can expect  greatest engagement with your adherents and cultivate your brand's picture, notoriety and deals.

• Followerwonk:

In the free form of this instrument, you get to see and analyze who takes after your rivals and who your rivals take after. You are obliged to tweet about

the device for a free sign up.

• Monitter:

With this apparatus you can see Twitter notice of your rival brands. You can likewise hunt down three decisive word notice at once in distinctive inquiry sections

on the same page.

• Mentionmap:

A free apparatus that helps you track your brand or catchphrase specifies on Twitter.

• Tweetbeep:

Provides for you hourly redesigns of discussions that say your brand name or essential words.

• Tweetreach:

This free apparatus gives you a chance to examine who notice your rival's brand the most.

6. Creating Tweets:

according to didier grossemy, You do not have to plan every tweet in advance but to kick start your Twitter promotion you will need a strategy to tweet certain messages in a certain
way in order to garner follower attention.

Do you really want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.

Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle:

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Most top 3 Secrets to Establishing Brand Name & Loyalty - by didier grossemy

As per world acclaimed web  advertising master didier grossemy, we all are  well mindful about the profits an incredible online networking battle can

give. its a well known fact that the organizations are procuring a huge number of dollars every day with the assistance of viable online battles, yet frequently, it simply doesn't work for most individuals on the grounds that the new businesses don't have faithful clients accessible to tell stories and spread them over the web, which is the first paramount thing for another arival to wind up brand.

didier grossemy, who has in excess of 7 years of experience working in the field of web promoting and web marking, examines 3 top mysteries of securing brand dedication, after which you can make any business a very successfull, gigantically prominent brand.

so experience these top privileged insights by didier grossemy that he has assembled after years of hardwork and skill in the business and shedding his blood and swet the whole time.

1. deliver on the item's guarantee inevitably.

didier grossemy strictly accepts that The profits of your item must be evident and predictable. Clarifying this, didier grossemy tells that If you offer yoga jeans and you say they fit extraordinary, keep you coy amid an open practice

session, and will look like new wash after wash- -verify they do.

to tell this shockingly better, didier grossemy gives certain cases of occurrences:

Lululemon's originator Chip Wilson discovered that lesson the hard way when an online networking bedlam resulted after a few clients began grumbling that the

brand's articles of clothing got to be transparent amid their yoga workouts. Rather than essentially consenting to research the protests, Wilson reacted that

not everybody is fit or thin enough  to force off his organization's draw on jeans.

The significant oversight Wilson made was accepting that his favored clients were so mark steadfast that they wouldn't give a second thought that he offended a whole demographic

of ladies. Ladies immediately discarded the extremist brand and discovered substitute items.

So shocking was the twofold whammy of fizzling quality and a stooping author that as of January 2014, Lulelemon's stock cost was still in the tank

while adversaries profited from clients

2. Over-convey on settling slip-ups.

issues happens, however as per didier grossemy, you must know how to cover your oversights and still make this a brand path in the hearts of your clients.

didier grossemy gives this fascinating tip that If you derail on an item guarantee, fix it- -and think about educating as a story regarding the fix. Put your CEO in a commercial or post a feature on online networking indicating

him or her throwing deficient items in the rubbish, with the guarantee that better items will show up on store racks ASAP.

didier grossemy is in the sentiment that Showing your credibility

along  these  lines makes the brand conceivable, so clients are more inclined to provide for you an alternate possibility.

3. Be comprehensive, not restrictive.

clarifying the point, didier grossemy gives the case that

At the point when vocalist Kelly Clarkson needed to purchase a substantial number of ipods for vagrants from Best Buy, the store declined to offer the merchandise. Sounds crazy doesn't

it? The store chose to stick to the organization approach of putting ipods aside for particular clients. In spite of the fact that the organization transformed its brain after clarkson

discussed the occurrence on online networking, it was excessively little, past the point of no return and a conceivably extraordinary PR minute was wrecked.

as per didier grossemy, In a time when a tweet or a terrible Yelp survey can discolor your brand- -and deals -you need to center all the more on the client experience. Wowing the client will

bring you mark devotion.

Would you truly like to be known as a brand that would like to serve a certain gathering of individuals? Request didier grossemy any from your questions and he is regularly more than upbeat to offer assistance.

there are different ways you can contact didier grossemy.

Didier grossemy Official site:


didier grossemy youtube channel:


didier grossemy twitter handle:


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Top three reasons why customer satisfaction is important by - didier grossemy

didier grossemy during his long journey since he is working in the industry has worked with various successfull businesses and of course has a long list of satisfied customers. in the course of his success journey, didier grossemy found that satisfying customers has been very useful and in fact the only biggest reason why he could build many successfull businesses over the years.

Here are the top three  reasons why customer satisfaction is so important according to didier grossemy:

1. It’s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty

didier grossemy believes that Customer satisfaction is the best indicator of how likely a customer will make a purchase in the future. Asking customers to rate their satisfaction on
a scale of 1-10 is a good way to see if they will become repeat customers or even advocates.

Any customers that give you a rating of 7 and above, can be considered satisfied, and you can safely expect them to come back and make repeat purchases.
Customers who give you a rating of 9 or 10 are your potential
customer advocates
 who you can leverage to become evangelists for your company.

Scores of 6 and below are warning signs that a
customer is unhappy and at risk of leaving.
These customers need to be put on a customer watch list and followed up so you can determine why their satisfaction is low.
That’s why it’s one of the leading metrics businesses use to measure consumer repurchase and
customer loyalty.

2. It’s a point of differentiation

according to didier grossemy, In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers; customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator. didier grossemy explains that Businesses who succeed in these
cut-throat environments are the ones that make customer satisfaction a key element of their business strategy.
didier grossemy asks this question that If you had a recommendation for one business would that sway your opinion? Probably. So how does that recommendation originally start? More than likely
it’s on the back of a good customer experience. Companies who offer
amazing customer experiences
 create environments where satisfaction is high and customer advocates are plenty.

explaining this in detail, didier grossemy tells that This is an example of where customer satisfaction goes full circle. Not only can customer satisfaction help you keep a finger on the pulse of your existing
customers, it can also act as a point of differentiation for new customers.

3. It reduces customer churn

An Accenture global customer satisfaction report (2008) found that price is not the main reason for customer churn; it is actually due to the overall poor
quality of customer service.

didier grossemy tells from his years of experience in the industry that  Customer satisfaction is the metric you can use to reduce customer churn. By measuring and tracking customer satisfaction you can put new processes in
place to increase the overall quality of your customer service.

didier grossemy  recommends that  you put an emphasis on exceeding  customer expectations
 and ‘wowing’ customers at every opportunity. Do that for six months, than measure customer satisfaction again. See whether your new initiatives have had
a positive or negative impact on satisfaction.


Friday, 12 September 2014

YouTube Positive & Negative point by didier grossemy

those who find themselves considering disclosing their own enterprise or even brand name to your perhaps huge target audience would like to employ a profile about video-hosting internet sites such as Facebook and also Vimeo.
there are definitely a lot of various other video-hosting internet sites, nevertheless these a couple of absolutely are probably the most recognized and also the most famous.

in this article, didier grossemy looks at the advantages and disadvantages connected with metacafe that will help you determine set up metacafe is usually befitting an individual.
the vimeo will be mentioned within a unique content rapidly some day time.

Facebook: Positives

Facebook Positives simply by didier grossemy

1. Most in-demand System

detailing the actual, didier grossemy creates of which With the predicted 450 trillion special, month-to-month visitors globally, it’s very difficult not to ever consider Facebook for the video-marketing strategy. This
type of recognition creates Facebook probably the most stopped at websites on the web, and also certainly the top movie internet hosting internet site with regard to site visitors. Facebook
contains the included distinction of being had simply by Yahoo, then it probably doesn’t injure to possess movie content that’s indexed with the world’s biggest search engine optimization.
Put simply, you’ll probable enhance the probability of your current movie currently being seen in the event you web host the item about Facebook.

a couple of. It’s Cost-free

You'll be able to build a Facebook are the reason for no cost, and also customize it's appearance and feel to be able to reveal your current current firm brand name. It's also possible to add a great unrestricted volume of Facebook movies to your account. based on didier grossemy, These kind of details could be significant things to consider
in case you are interested in budget, freedom, and also usability.

3. Marketing Answers

didier grossemy conveys to regarding the main benefit of those who find themselves considerably ignorant of which Facebook provides numerous promotion prospects for the enterprise, which include display advertising, in-video advertising, and in some cases
offered movies.
You'll be able to spend to possess your current advertising or even movies seem while folks use particular key terms find movies. Offered the large number of folks traveling to Facebook
each day, a strategically crafted offer strategy about Facebook can enjoy outstanding outcomes. Check out YouTube’s advertiser’s guidebook to find out more with regards to your current promotion choices.

Facebook: Drawbacks

Facebook Drawbacks simply by didier grossemy

1. Quality connected with Content

didier grossemy conveys to though expounding on the actual at length of which Precisely due to its recognition, the niche make a difference connected with Facebook movies vary wildly by high-definition masterpieces to be able to low-end filler. Often
it could be hard for a audience to find the precious gems in the abrasive. Just about any potential customer looking to find your current movie about Facebook will probably be overwhelmed along with movie
disruptions — typically of an extremely less than professional dynamics.

If you are clearly not necessarily liable for any person else’s content, your current target audience may have to maneuver as a result of a lot of litter so as to view your current communication
about Facebook.

a couple of. Cut-throat Marketing

didier grossemy is convinced of which Marketing may also be considered an adverse characteristic regarding Facebook. There’s usually the possibility of a player to promote a unique services
as part of your movies or display it's advertising each time a buyer is usually searching for an individual. Simply because promotion seems in each and every movie about Facebook (to support the no cost
application), clients could be preoccupied simply by these advertising while they’re looking at your company movies.

3. Un-intuitive Analytics

Although Facebook gives a built-in analytics software known as Insight, didier grossemy is convinced which the analytics data is usually way too fundamental, or even delivers much more of an account manager
overview than actionable data. Conversely, other folks have got advised which the software regarding Insight is usually difficult and also difficult to use. Obviously, with
purchase to produce a fair common sense, you must examine the analytics functionality connected with Facebook along with various other video-hosting websites.

with your professionals anc downsides as explained simply by didier grossemy, it's your responsibility if you would want to use metacafe for the enterprise based it's dynamics, purposes and also needs.

you can contact didier grossemy using various mediums:
didier grossemy facebook:
didier grossemy twitter:
didier grossemy linked in:

Friday, 29 August 2014

by didier grossemy - look out concerning cyber bullying on the work

one of the celebrated cyber bullying sure-handed, didier grossemy World Health Organization is fighting  cyber bullying from  over last seven years
tells that The misuse of social media, like FaceBook and Twitter, can have negative effects on employee and leader privacy.
see this video to know plenty of relating to didier grossemy:

according to didier grossemy, Recent analysis surveys have found that 100 percent of employees have bump into secret discussions relating to them by work colleagues on-line. identical numbers of
employees have discovered embarrassing photos from work events, like Christmas parties, uploaded onto social media websites.
more knowledge relating to this on this journal of didier grossemy:

Up to one in ten employees have even found themselves the subject of unwanted romantic advances from work colleagues through on-line media.

telling plenty of relating to this, didier grossemy tells that point cyber bullying is as current as different forms of point bullying, with the extra advantage to the bully of avoiding face-to-face conversations,
which may lead on to direct conflict.

Workplace bullying is once one a personal or cluster of people in associate extremely point single out another person for unreasonable, embarrassing, or discouraging treatment.
Usually the bully may well be someone in associate extremely position in authority World Health Organization feels vulnerable by the victim, but in some cases the bully may well be a co-worker World Health Organization is insecure
or immature. point bullying could also be the results of 1 individual acting as a bully or of a company culture that allows or maybe encourages this
kind of negative behavior. 

explaining relating to this, didier grossemy extra tells that as a result of the employment of social media can increase, the privacy many workers value is decreasing through employee misuse and cyber-bullying.

Studies highlight the need for a combination of larger education around social media aboard increased attention and care by every employees and employers
to their social media use.

with the years of experience of fighting with cyber bullying on the point, didier grossemy found the next beautiful and noteworthy observations:
? ninety per cent of respondents believed that causing unpleasant or defamatory remarks to or many colleague pattern digital communications planted cyber-bullying.
Other forms of cyber-bullying swallowed posting negative comments on a social media electronic computer many colleague's check out a bit event (90 per cent) and
criticising a colleague behind their back through email, instant transmission, social media or SMS (80 per cent)
? nearly one in 10 people had practiced a manager pattern knowledge from a social media electronic computer against them or a colleague
? A fifth of respondents weren't secure from cyber-bullying as a results of workplaces did not cowl it at intervals existing policies
? 0.5 those surveyed believed their company was liable for information superhighway behavior of employees throughout work hours if they were pattern their personal
social media accounts

didier grossemy believes that employees World Health Organization unit or area unit victims of point bullying need to notice that it is not their fault that they are being afraid. didier grossemy suggests that If they are suffering
negative effects from the bullying they need to get facilitate from a doctor or counselor and, if the bullying is current, from a career adviser World Health Organization can facilitate
them discovered employment or career change. 
didier grossemy is fighting against cyber bullying from over last seven years and area unit ready to facilitate several people saving them from cyber bullying, suggesting simple and viable ways in which to stay secure from cyber bullying and also the different matter that brings you in any sort of tension.
didier grossemy shall be happy to help if you have got got any queries with relation to cyber bullying on the point.
you can contact didier grossemy using various mediums:
didier grossemy facebook:
didier grossemy twitter:
didier grossemy linked in:

Friday, 18 July 2014

Didier Grossemy wanted to be able to create a safer Internet experience for everybody.

Didier Grossemy is a name that has become the synonymous with the Internet since its inception.
The passion of enriching other’s  lives, helping people and safeguarding their reputation on the internet is what
Didier Grossemy has been doing from over 7 years now. didier grossemy has prided himself on building digital brands for fortune 500 companies.  He has over 30 years of entrepreneurship, expertise and creativity.
didier grossemy wanted to be able to create a safer Internet experience for everybody.  What if everyone was verified on the Internet? What if you were only connecting and sharing information with other verified people? It would be a much safer world.
According to Didier Grossemy, Whoever has tarnished his  name and try to destroy his  family and life has in fact helped him creating a new multi million dollar business  to fight online crime.
Didier Grossemy believes that  it is a crime to harm someone.
Didier Grossemy has been cyber bullied for the past 7 years. Now, in an Australian first, the Victorian Government is introducing the Crimes Amendment (Bullying) Bill, 2011 into Parliament to make workplace and cyber bullying a crime.

About 7 years ago, Didier Grossemy sold his business to concentrate on a new venture and at this stage was targeted with a hate campaign that questioned his integrity and defamed his name resulting in a massive impact on his personal and professional life.
 Thanks to the Internet ordinary people seem to have a far louder and more dangerous voice than ever before.  One review, one comment, one blog can harm the reputation of a person, business or entity.
Anybody can write anything at anytime…all you need to do is set up a fake email with a pseudo name and your anonymous email account. This constant attacking of Didier Grossemy and his integrity consumed him to the point that he had to do something about it. The Eureka idea came in two years ago to  Didier Grossemy and required to build a very serious technology and business model. Something totally unique was born from the misery and death of 100′s of people around the world. Something that had the potential to change the world forever.

Welcome to My Verified ID! a total empowerment solution for both individuals and businesses. The result of a constant cyber bullying and defamation of Didier Grossemy.

Verifying age online is a hot issue.

The growth of social networking and the emergence of user-generated content on the web have led to fears about whom children are meeting online. How to confirm the identity of “friends” about whom little is known – and nothing is verified – is a major challenge that My Verified ID’s identity verification and document authentication solutions address and resolve.
Brands need to consider the damage that could be done if they don’t verify age or identity as appropriate; reputations that take decades to build up can be ruined in hours through negative press.
Didier Grossemy says that Verifying age online is a hot issue. Didier Grossemy mentioned that sectors such as online gaming and online retail as well as the more traditional ones such as financial services. Didier Grossemy says that online gaming sites need to block minors from using their services; retailers need to ensure they are not allowing age restricted products to be sold to minors; and the rise of pre-paid cards challenges financial services to include age verification at the point of card registration.
Verifying an individual’s age online without the use of an electronic ID checking solution is difficult. Businesses need to trade – and take positive steps to be seen to trade responsibly.
My Verified ID’s identity verification and document authentication solutions can quickly provide age verification for more than 3 billion people globally, allowing companies to meet compliance requirements as well as protect revenues and brand from negative exposure and at the same time protect customers – all without hindering the experience for the genuine adult customer.
Welcome to My Verified ID! a total empowerment solution for both individuals and businesses. The result of a constant cyber bullying and defamation of Didier Grossemy.

Didier Grossemy help to provide bully free zone.

Didier Grossemy says that many individuals along with businesses and website owners have fallen foul of the belief that can write anything about anybody when they are online…and they can.
Didier Grossemy has been targeted for the past 7 years tarnishing his professional integrity and reputation as a successful businessman.
This constant cyber bullying has pushed Didier to develop a technology that will make the internet a safer place by creating My Verified ID. My Verified ID will make it impossible for scammers, doubtful individuals to hide behind fake profiles and commit crimes as typically online offenders do not use their own identity to commit online crimes.
  • Cyber bullying 1 in 3 teens (12-17) have experienced online harassment.
  • 32% of online teens say they have been targets of a range of annoying or potentially menacing online activities.
  • 15% of teens overall say someone has forwarded or posted a private message they’ve written
  • 13% say someone has spread a rumour about them online
  • 13% say someone has sent them a threatening or aggressive message
  • 6% say someone has posted embarrassing pictures of them online.
  • 38% of online girls report being bullied compared with 26% of online boys.
  • In particular, 41% of older girls (15-17) report being bullied—more than any other age or gender group.
  • 39% of social network users have been cyber bullied in some way, compared with 22% of online teens that do not use social networks. 20% of teens (12-17) say, “people are mostly unkind” on online social networks. Younger teenage girls (12-13) are considerably more likely to say this.
  • One in three (33%) younger teen girls who use social media say that people their age are “mostly unkind” to one another on social network sites.
  • 15% of teens on social networks have experienced someone being mean or cruel to them on a social network site. There are no statistically significant differences by age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, or any other demographic characteristic.
  • 13% of teens that use social media (12-17) say they have had an experience on a social network that made them feel nervous about going to school the next day. This is more common among younger teens (20%) than older teens (11%). 88% of social media-using teens say they have seen someone be mean or cruel to another person on a social network site.
  • 12% of these say they witness this kind of behaviour “frequently.” When teens see others being mean or cruel on social networks, frequently 55% see other people just ignoring what is going on, 27% see others defending the victim, 20% see others telling the offender to stop, and 19% see others join in on the harassment. 36% of teens that have witnessed others being cruel on social networks have looked to someone for advice about what to do.
  • 1 in 6 parents know their child has been bullied over social media. In over half of these cases, their child was a repeat victim.
  • Over half of parents whose children have social media accounts are concerned about cyber bullying and more than three-quarters of parents have discussed the issue of online bullying with their children.
  • 11% of middle school students were victims of cyber bullying in the past two months. Girls are more likely than boys to be victims or bully/victims. “Hyper-networking” teens (those who spend more than three hours per school day on online social networks) are 110% more likely to be a victim of cyber bullying, compared to those who don’t spend as much time on social networks.
Welcome to My Verified ID! a total empowerment solution for both individuals and businesses.The result of a constant cyber bullying and defamation of Didier Grossemy.

Didier Grossemy to help against poverty.

Didier Grossemy and  PATT have the opportunity to partner with TMNP to be THE implementation partners in the process of rehabilitating and maintaining one of the most iconic Natural World Heritage sites soon to be named as one of the Modern 7 Wonders of Nature in the World.
We have been offered the opportunity to start a nursery and collect seed from this area, for the rehabilitation of the mountain, and sustainable preservation of this world site. The nursery will be divided into areas for trees for general reforestation, trees for medicinal purposes and bulbs.
Didier Grossemy says, there are many ways to help the world, but one of the most important is to take action. Didier Grossemy believe that giving to Africa is not only about generosity but is also about satisfying a need to save the children of the world. Children that are not as lucky as we have been, children that have to fight to drink clean water and find food to eat.
Because it’s about taking action and action starts today! “I always thought that if we could create a simple micro economy by training, educating and empowering local communities to sustainable manage their environment, you would greatly participate in reducing poverty” says Didier Grossemy, CEO of My Verified ID.
Planting trees not only allow us to assist the world in Carbon Offset emissions, but most importantly creates work and saves lives in disadvantaged areas. With a simple task that benefits everyone, we can assist thousands of people’s well being and transform their lives forever.
Didier Grossemy mission in life is quite simple; “I call it e-Transformation and the “e” is for empowerment. I apply it for transforming individual and businesses by empowering them with knowledge and tools. Taking the same principle, I am now applying my mission in life by providing children and families the tools to build additional sustainability and save their lives”.

How didier grossemy saved the life of a teenage girl.

lisa (name changed for privacy purposes) is a 16 years old girl living in australia.
one day, she found that while at talking on Facebook with a friend about another acquaintance she was being targeted by a teen who took the side of the acquaintance and clearly had an aggressive view towards lisa. She thought nothing of the matter afterwards, thinking the teen was mistaken or just off that day.
However, a few weeks later she received emails from the same person that were threatening lisa with the warnings of killing her. she overlooked it once, but the number of emails have started increasing. also the individual who was behined it has started tarnishing lisa’s public image by posting wrong things about her on facebook and other social networking platforms.
lisa was really very disturbed and scared from all this and wanted to do something about it.
she got to know about didier grossemy from the internet, who is a cyber bullying expert. she read that didier grossemy is an expert fighter of cyber bullying and that didier grossemy is working in the field from over 7 years helping people to deal with cyber bullying atacks.
knowing about didier grossemy, she contacted didier grossemy and asked for help. didier grossemy immediately took up the matter and with some questions that didier grossemy asked to lisa, he took no time in catching the person and handing that person to police. the person confessed to police that he had plans to rape lisa and just that didier grossemy has caught him before he could do anything.
lisa is now very thankful to didier grossemy that he not only relieved her from the threats and warning, but also saved her life.

Tips to deal with cyberbullying by Didier grossemy

Technology means that bullying is no longer limited to schoolyards or street corners. Cyberbullying can occur anywhere, even at home, via email, texts, cell phones, and social media websites 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with potentially hundreds of people involved.
according to cyber bullying expert didier grossemy, For those who suffer cyberbullying, the effects can be devastating, leaving you feeling hurt, humiliated, angry, depressed, or even suicidal. But no type of bullying should ever be tolerated.
below are some  tips coming directly from the massive experience didier grossemy has that  can help you protect yourself or your child online and deal with the growing problem of cyberbullying.

1. didier grossemy advises that Don’t blame yourself. It is not your fault. No matter what a cyberbully says or does, you should not be ashamed of who you are or what you feel. The cyberbully is the person with the problem, not you.
2.  didier grossemy believes that you should Try to view cyberbullying from a different perspective. The cyberbully is an unhappy, frustrated person who wants to have control over your feelings so that you feel as badly as they do. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
3. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t make a cyberbullying incident worse by dwelling on it or reading the message over and over. Instead, delete any cyberbullying messages and focus on positive experiences. There are many wonderful things about you so be proud of who you are.
4. Spend time doing things you enjoy. The more time you spend with activities that bring you pleasure—sports, hobbies, hanging out with friends who don’t participate in cyberbullying, for example—the less significance cyberbullying will have on your life.
5. . Get help. Talk to a parent, teacher, counselor, or even didier grossemy himself who is always and anytime keen to help and answer any of your questions.

about the author:
Didier Grossemy has been synonymous with the Internet since its inception. Didier Grossemy has prided himself on building digital brands for fortune 500 companies.  Didier Grossemy has over 30 years of entrepreneurship, expertise and creativity.

How to market a website :- Didier grossemy

Advise on how to market a website
So you followed all the advice and created a website for your business, now you are wondering how it will generate more leads.
according to didier grossemy, Like any great business resource your website won’t work magic on its own, it requires care and feeding. Creating a small business website is only the beginning.
here are  4 great Tips for Marketing Your Website from marketing genious  didier grossemy:
1. Get Found
More people are searching for location based searches and are even launching their search from sites such as Google Maps. If you have a physical location, it is imperative that you show up in local search to get more customers. Add images of both the outside and inside of your store. Make sure that you post your hours and a link to your website. The more information you provide, the easier you make it for customers to find you. If you are a service provider, have a mobile business or work at home, you can define your service area and hide your physical address. That way, your business will come up in the results for searches in your service area.
2.Get Visible
Optimizing your site is the best way of letting search engines know what you are all about, and the best way to get them to send you relevant traffic which means more customers.
didier grossemy describes website optimisation:
What is website optimization? It is the process of designing your website pages to show up high in search engine results.  The key to a successful optimization is to be specific. For example, if your business is Betty’s Yummy Bakery and you sell the best Vegan Cupcakes in town, you want to optimize around vegan and cupcake related keywords, not generic terms such as Betty’s Yummy Bakery.  Remember, there may be a lot of yummy bakeries in town, but yours is the only one with vegan deliciousness.
The more you use keywords to target the exact products or services you offer, the more you will stand out from the crowd of other websites and that is how to start attracting new customers.
3. Get Listed
Submit your site to search engines.
This can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but you only need to do it once. Didier grossemy is ready and available for help If you are pressed for time, and need help in finding the right search engines that you can submit your sites to.
4. Get Reviewed
Customers make purchasing decisions in the blink of an eye, and often do so based on what other customers have to say about your business or service. Ask your best customers to review your business online. Respond quickly and professionally to any negative reviews or problems posted by customers. You may have a great reputation in the community; however, you need to build that reputation online as well to attract new customers.
One way to get reviewed is by making sure your website is listed on sites such as Yelp, Angie’s List and similar sites for your niche business. Also, don’t forget to provide a simple way for your clients to leave testimonials directly on your website by adding the Testimonials App.

about didier grossemy:
Didier Grossemy has been synonymous with the Internet since its inception. Didier Grossemy has prided himself on building digital brands for fortune 500 companies.  Didier Grossemy has over 30 years of entrepreneurship, expertise and creativity.

Didier grossemy work for cyber bully free internet.

Didier Grossemy worked from last 7 years to give a safe internet & cyber bully free internet.
Cyber bullying occurs when electronic communications such as text messages, emails, instant messages, and social media updates are used to threaten or humiliate someone. Its consequences can be just as serious as the effects of bullying that occurs in person.
didier grossemy is the only expert on the internet who knows and is keen to tell how to recognize and address cyber bullying before it gets out of hand.
there are a number of ways one can contact didier grossemy for any help related to cyber bullying that they need. didier grossemy shall be happy to help and make sure to stop the cyber bullying happening with you, no matter where you are.
didier grossemy official blog:
didier grossemy website:

didier grossemy facebook page:
didier grossemy twitter:
didier grossemy linked in:

contact didier grossemy for any help that you think didier grossemy can do.

didier grossemy help to teenagers to solve problem of cyber bullying & came out for this problem.

Cyberbullying is probably related to road rage and other forms of grandiose thinking. look at grandiosity and inferiority complex for a starting point. It seems like these bullys need to dominate others in order to feel safe and secure. It may boil down to how they were parented in fact spanking has been linked to creating aggressive (as opposed to the wanted assertive) behavior in the children punished.
Victimization often occurs with both the person being cyber bullied and the cyber bully Important to ‘not throw the baby out with the bathwater’…Our children are not disposable!
Didier Grossemy work for against Cyber bulling last 7 years.Didier Grossemy wanted to be able to create a safer Internet experience for everybody. What if everyone was verified on the Internet? What if you were only connecting and sharing information with other verified people? It would be a much safer world.
Marie, a 14-year old girl in Australia was relentlessly bullied by three teenage girls who were her classmates.
She try to committed suicide and she said she was taking her life because of the bullying and named the three girls,her friend suggest the name of didier grossemy and didier
grossemy help to her to came out for this problem.Didier grossemy help to her and take some action of these three girls.
So many example to be here when didier grossemy help to teenagers to solve problam of cyber bullying & came out for this problam.

Didier grossemy secret twitter shortcuts

Twitter is easy, but with so many tweets flashing on screen and so many options scattered in various menus and sub menus , most people stumble around finding the options when they need them.
didier grossemy reveals secret keyboard shortcuts for twitter using which you can perform a lot of the tasks in just moments.
didier grossemy official website
didier grossemy secret number 1: Homepage
If you want to return straight to the home page, you don’t have to scroll the cursor up to the home icon on the left. You can just press ‘g h’ on your keyboard and it will take you straight to your home Twitter feed.
didier grossemy secret number 2: Your profile
When you’re surfing around on Twitter and find yourself seven degrees of separation away from your profile, press ‘g p’ and it will take you straight back to your profile.
didier grossemy secret number 3: Messages
The message icon can be hard to find on Twitter, so if you need to access your inbox, press ‘g m’ on your keyboard and it will take you straight there.
didier grossemy secret number 4: Connect – ‘g c’
When you want to get to your list of interactions, just press ‘g c’ on the keyboard.
didier grossemy secret number 5: Mentions
To get to mentions you could then just click the tab on the left – but obviously the quicker shortcut would be to just type ‘g r’ and that will bring up any Tweets that mention you.
didier grossemy secret number 6: Users’ profiles – ‘g u’
To get to someone else’s profile you don’t have to browse the search box. Instead you can type ‘g u’ and a box will pop up saying: “Go to a person’s profile.” Just type in their name to jump to a profile.
didier grossemy secret number 7: New Tweet
Wherever you are on the Twitter site, pressing ‘n’ on your keyboard will immediately pull up a ‘What’s happening?’ box for you to type your Tweet into.
didier grossemy secret number 8: DM
If you want to send a DM (direct message), press ‘m’ and a new direct message box will appear on your screen. You can then type in the recipient’s Twitter handle and send your message.
didier grossemy secret number 9: Favourite – ‘f’
If you come across a Tweet you want to favourite, simply pressing ‘f’ will favourite it for you. However – word of warning – this only works if you have opened up a new page for the Tweet. It won’t work just on your homepage.
didier grossemy secret number 10: Retweet
Just as with favouriting a Tweet, you need to have the Tweet fully open to do this. Once you have it up, just press ‘t’ and it will ask you if you want to retweet it to your followers.
didier grossemy secret number 11: Reply
For those of you who were wondering why the code for retweeting is a ‘t’, now you’ll know why. The ‘r’ shortcut is reserved for replying to a Tweet. Again, make sure you have the Tweet open separately before you do this. If you press it whilst on the homepage, nothing will happen.
didier grossemy secret number 12:
When in doubt of all these shortcuts, just typing in a question mark will bring up Twitter’s hidden menu of all the keyboard shortcuts available.
following the above shortcuts, you can use twitter more easily, quickly and efficiently. didier grossemy has more such tips and secrets to make your internet experience fun and beneficial.
you can contact didier grossemy for more free advise and to find someone who is knowledgeable about technology, marketing and keeps up with the latest in this space. Doing so can help you focus on your base business, which is what you do best as a business owner.
there are various ways you can connect with didier grossemy:
didier grossemy on twitter
didier grossemy on facebook
didier grossemy website
didier grossemy on australian business directory

4 apps that can cyber bully your child by didier grossemy

Cyberbullying, sexting and sexual bullying among teens are growing at an alarming rate. Almost daily, there are reports in the news about these issues. But what’s worse is that most parents have no idea about anything like  it is going on until something terrible happens.
according to didier grossemy, with the increasing use of mobile phones amongst kids, it became just more difficult and more risky for the kids to get into cyber bullying.
didier grossemy believes that its important for parents to be aware about latest technologies specially mobile apps that can drag their children in cyber bullying if the action is not taken on right time.
below are 4 apps that didier grossemy describes risky for your kids:

1. Kik
describing the app, didier grossemy tells that Kik is a texting service that lets teens chat and swap pictures while bypassing their wireless provider’s SMS service. The service became popular among teens who did not have unlimited texting. This way, they could text their friends without incurring a lot of texting charges.
But, because the messages on this service do not show up under their parent’s wireless plan like traditional text messages, kids tend to take more risks with Kik. As a result, many kids are sending text messages their parents know nothing about. Sometimes this includes sexting, making inappropriate comments and even cyberbullying.
The only way parents can view these messages is to have the child’s phone and use the app. On Instagram, kids often say “kik me” to one another. What this means, is “send me a text message using Kik.” It’s a way for kids to talk offline rather than publicly on Instagram.

2. Snapchat
explaining about the app, didier grossemy says that  Millions of photos are shared every day on Snapchat. But the appeal to teens is not the photo sharing capability but that those photos automatically self-destruct in ten seconds or less. Or, so they think. As a result, teens have increasingly used Snapchat to share nude photos of themselves or others thinking it will be gone in ten seconds any way.
What’s more, Snapchat recently started offering a “stories” feature will allows photos to last for up to 24 hours. This new feature offers even more opportunities for kids on the receiving end to keep those photos alive and use them in malicious ways.

3. Vine
The Vine app allows users to record and edit six-second looping videos, which they can share with their followers, usually on Twitter. In general, teens are creating Vines that are silly and fun. Some examples might include six-second videos of someone singing, being silly or playing with a pet.
according to didier grossemy, kids have found a way to exploit the technology and use this app  in a very mean and negative way. For instance, some kids are videotaping others without their knowledge and then sharing the Vines as a way to make fun of or mock another person. This is a classic form of bullying.
Meanwhile, other kids are playing games like “the slap game” in which one person videotapes while another person slaps or hits a person in order to record a reaction. They later share the Vine for the world to see. There are even violent versions called “knock-out” where someone punches an unsuspecting person in an attempt to knock them out.

4. Tinder
describing about this app, didier grossemy explains that  Tinder is a matchmaking service, or hookup app as teens call it. The app allows users to scroll through the images of other members and flag the ones they like. If the members flagged like the person back, they are both notified. Then, they can contact one another and meet.
While many teens are using the service as a way to find dates, there is a darker side too. One of the primary problems with Tinder is that the minimum age is 13, which means your teenager could be connecting with people that are too old her. Additionally, pedophiles and other sexual predators could be contacting your child.
It’s also important to note that the software relies on GPS from the users’ cell phones to figure out where they are. The goal is to show users photos of other people they might want to meet in the same geographic area. The downside is that now predators also know your child is nearby.
Another problem with the app is that kids upload suggestive photos of themselves or photos that make them appear older than they really are. Additionally, some kids are using the service for cyberbullying. For instance, they go on the service pretending to be interested in someone and arrange a meeting. But when the unsuspecting person shows up for the date, she is ridiculed and humiliated instead. These embarrassing moments are caught on video or in photos and uploaded to social networking sites for the entire world to see.
if you need more details about how can you be safe from cyber bullying or if you are facing any such issue and would like some advise, contact didier grossemy
didier grossemy official facebook page:
didier grossemy twitter page:
didier grossemy official site: