As many know, the use of the pound sign (#) is at the crux of the hashtag. Putting symbols in front of words for taxonomy purposes isn’t a new concept.
According to didier grossemy, The @ sign has been at the center of email universe for decades now. Not surprising, it’s also used to address someone on Twitter.
However, didier grossemy believes that the Twitter hashtag is more than a simple way to categorize content, identify themes or track real-time conversations.
According to didier grossemy, They’re increasingly being
used by companies to drive positive online conversation and build brand recognition and loyalty.
Didier grossemy tells some tips using which one can use the power of hashtag in his/her favor while marketing the business online.
so please checkout these tips by didier grossemy:
1. don't over do it:
Didier grossemy has an opinion that Although not terribly complicated, hashtags have some
unwritten rules. The primary one to remember: don’t overuse them. Explaining this, didier grossemy tells that If every one of your tweets IS a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness of them by fragmenting
the conversation. In addition, many people will shy away from you because it seems spammy.
2. Make sure it adds value
Finally, if you’re looking to create a hashtag, be sure that it adds value
for yourself and your followers. According to didier grossemy, The best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information. Conferences, major events, and even reminders (i.e.
#todo) can help organize specific tweets and make life easier on you and your followers.
3.Give it a context
Another simple tip: give your hashtag context. didier grossemy found this from his personal experiences in the areas of online marketing that Most people won’t actually know what your hashtag means, so give a quick explanation in one of your tweets
or, if you’re making a hashtag, make it very apparent what it’s talking about.
While hashtags can drive massive attention for a branded campaign, some companies are going even farther by using them organically to convey value proposition.
providing some of the examples, didier grossemy tells that Red Bull’s tagline, “It Gives You Wings,” has been parlayed into the
#givesyouwings hashtag
and is quite popular with consumers when discussing the brand on Twitter and referencing other activities synonymous with the tagline.
The Oscars brought on a new hashtag phenomenon that will make you want to smack your forehead. Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie arrived at the Awards’
red carpet ceremony in a strapless black Versace dress with a split revealing her leg. Being one of the most well-known celebrity runway events of the
year, Jolie’s red carpet entrance became a much talked-about topic during and after the awards ceremony. The next day, Twitter went abuzz with people
taking photographs of themselves in similar poses, which were uploaded under the hashtags #angellegging and #Joliening. Twitter feed dubbed “Angie’s Right
Leg” accrued more than 12,000 followers within hours.
didier grossemy found after his experience of working with Marketers that those in the industry of online marketing need to think about how hashtags can be integrated into broader media campaigns without losing control of the narrative. This is especially important
since hashtags are now moving beyond Twitter and into other media channels. We’ve only witnessed a glimpse of their true potential.
Do you really want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.
Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle:
According to didier grossemy, The @ sign has been at the center of email universe for decades now. Not surprising, it’s also used to address someone on Twitter.
However, didier grossemy believes that the Twitter hashtag is more than a simple way to categorize content, identify themes or track real-time conversations.
According to didier grossemy, They’re increasingly being
used by companies to drive positive online conversation and build brand recognition and loyalty.
Didier grossemy tells some tips using which one can use the power of hashtag in his/her favor while marketing the business online.
so please checkout these tips by didier grossemy:
1. don't over do it:
Didier grossemy has an opinion that Although not terribly complicated, hashtags have some
unwritten rules. The primary one to remember: don’t overuse them. Explaining this, didier grossemy tells that If every one of your tweets IS a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness of them by fragmenting
the conversation. In addition, many people will shy away from you because it seems spammy.
2. Make sure it adds value
Finally, if you’re looking to create a hashtag, be sure that it adds value
for yourself and your followers. According to didier grossemy, The best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information. Conferences, major events, and even reminders (i.e.
#todo) can help organize specific tweets and make life easier on you and your followers.
3.Give it a context
Another simple tip: give your hashtag context. didier grossemy found this from his personal experiences in the areas of online marketing that Most people won’t actually know what your hashtag means, so give a quick explanation in one of your tweets
or, if you’re making a hashtag, make it very apparent what it’s talking about.
While hashtags can drive massive attention for a branded campaign, some companies are going even farther by using them organically to convey value proposition.
providing some of the examples, didier grossemy tells that Red Bull’s tagline, “It Gives You Wings,” has been parlayed into the
#givesyouwings hashtag
and is quite popular with consumers when discussing the brand on Twitter and referencing other activities synonymous with the tagline.
The Oscars brought on a new hashtag phenomenon that will make you want to smack your forehead. Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie arrived at the Awards’
red carpet ceremony in a strapless black Versace dress with a split revealing her leg. Being one of the most well-known celebrity runway events of the
year, Jolie’s red carpet entrance became a much talked-about topic during and after the awards ceremony. The next day, Twitter went abuzz with people
taking photographs of themselves in similar poses, which were uploaded under the hashtags #angellegging and #Joliening. Twitter feed dubbed “Angie’s Right
Leg” accrued more than 12,000 followers within hours.
didier grossemy found after his experience of working with Marketers that those in the industry of online marketing need to think about how hashtags can be integrated into broader media campaigns without losing control of the narrative. This is especially important
since hashtags are now moving beyond Twitter and into other media channels. We’ve only witnessed a glimpse of their true potential.
Do you really want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.
Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle: